We’ve gone through a selection of crib mobiles that might be perfect for your little one.
Crib mobiles are not just for soothing and relaxing your little one, they also help to develop his motor skills, visual and sound stimulation.
With an extensive selection of crib mobiles, choosing the perfect one for your little can be challenging. Paediatrician Dr Janice Wong Tzen Yuen of Thomson Paediatric Centre gives us some pointers in choosing the perfect baby mobile; it should...
- Have striking, bright and bold colours.
- Offer movements and soothing music to calm and promote sleep.
- Be made with child-safe materials.
- Be structurally safe (no part should fall or hit the child).
- Be fixed near enough for baby to track it's movement but at least 30 cm away from baby (out of grasping reach). By the time baby is 6 months old, they could be grasping and grabbing and trying to sit up — remove the mobile then
Check out our other product reviews here
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