Kid hit his head? Locked out of your house? Store these numbers on your phone or download these apps!


You never know when you’ll need to deal with an emergency. And if you have a little one in the house, you have to be prepared for a medical emergency. Besides having a first-aid kit at hand ― keeping a clear head can mean the difference between life and death.

Do also learn where your nearest hospital is and how to get there, including the one closest to your workplace or your little one’s preschool.

Make sure you know what to do in a crisis. Follow these steps:

1. Know when an emergency call needs to be made If you are wondering what counts as an emergency, the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) provides these guidelines:

- Drowsiness, seizures or falling unconscious and cannot be roused.
- Difficulty breathing or choking.
- Sudden or severe chest pain or abdominal pain that won’t go away.
- Dislocated or broken bones.
- Deep cuts or wounds with profuse bleeding.
- Head injuries followed by drowsiness, vomiting, bleeding (from ears, nose or mouth) or unusual behaviours.
- Injury of the chest or backbone.
- Falling from heights.
- Poisoning ― toxic gases being inhaled or drug overdose leading to unconsciousness and distress.
- Crushed injuries.
- Severe allergy.
- Drowning.
- Deep burns and scalds ― white or charred skin over a large area of hands and face.
- Electric shock or getting hit by lightning.

The emergency doctor at the hospital you’re sent to will determine if yours is an emergency. The ambulance service is free if it’s an emergency. SCDF charges $274 per for each non-emergency ambulance service rendered.

2. Get help from people around you Don’t be afraid to approach bystanders for help. If you have an older child, you may want to brief him on how to approach others for help when needed — especially if you are prone to seizures or passing out.

If you have an older child, you may want to brief him on how to approach others for help when needed — especially if you are prone to seizures or passing out.

3. Know what numbers to call and apps to download Save helplines in your phone or download the appropriate apps! For repairs to your home’s plumbing or electrical unit, the HDB’s list of contractors should come in handy. Otherwise, here’s our list for your easy reference…


Infographic: Paulyn Ng
Main photo: iStock

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