Four comfortable positions to consider that will make nursing enjoyable
To make the most of breastfeeding your little bundle, you first need to figure out a nursing position that suits baby and you. Getting comfortable and finding a spot you're happy with will not only make it easier for him to latch on, it's also essential so that you and your kewpie can experience more together.
Try these:
1. The cradle
Hold your mini-me, so you're belly to belly, with his head resting in the crook of your elbow. Use the same arm to support his back, with your hand on his thigh or bottom. Raise him to your breast, as you use your other hand to support your breast, then wait for him to open his mouth wide.
2. Cross cradle
Sit comfortably with pillows supporting your back and a pillow on your lap. Hold your baby in the crook of the arm opposite the breast you're feeding from — right arm for left breast, left arm for right. Use your open hand to support the back of the baby's head. Use your other hand to support your breast from the underside in a U-shaped hold. Cradle your baby close to your breast and guide his mouth to your breast.
3. The football
Hold your baby under your arm on the same side as the breast he's feeding from. Use a pillow to support him to your breast level. The secret here is to make sure he's far back enough, so that he can reach your nipple. Ideal if you've had a C-section as it keeps your baby away from the incision.
4. Sideways
Lie on your side with your sweetie on his side, facing your breast. Cradle him in your lower; arm or prop him up on a pillow, then use your arm to support your head.
Photo: INGimage/ClickPhotos