EXPERT ADVICE: Should I be worried if I get very …
Guide to managing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
10 mind-blowing facts about your vagina
9 reasons why you can’t conceive again
Can TCM help with infertility?
How to tell the difference between implantation b…
Thalassemia: Facts About This Blood Disorder
How to prepare for a baby medically and physically
4 things to do to make labour easier
5 reasons to choose a private hospital for giving…
C-sections 101
6 facts you need to know about C-sections
How important are omega-3 fatty acids for pregnan…
How are nuts helpful in your pregnancy?
Everything you need to know about prenatal yoga
What to expect at your first prenatal check-up
Breastfeeding 101: All your questions ― answered!
6 breastfeeding challenges & solutions
7 Nutty Things To Know About Lactation and Breast…
BUYER'S GUIDE: Best breast pumps to suit your nee…
Easy ways to help your baby kick his pacifier hab…
Should your baby use a baby walker?
What you need to know about baby heart murmurs
Your guide to tracking baby’s growth
All you need to know about newborn jaundice
BUYER’S GUIDE: Best sleep sacks for babies
What happens when your baby doesn't get enough sl…
BUYER’S GUIDE: Best baby body washes to buy in Si…
12 fun baby-friendly places to visit in Singapore…
Six mobile games your tween might be playing [Pho…
13 fun pocket-friendly things to do in the South …
4 ways to stay close to your cutie
5 reasons Threenage years are worse than the Terr…
10 time-out tactics that work
How to talk to your kid after yelling at him
CONVERSATIONS WITH… A Speech and Language Therapi…
9 tips to raise a tot with the right mindset
Help, my child won’t speak!
Why is my toddler waking up so early?
How to identify good and bad poop shapes
How common is constipation among Singaporean todd…
9 ways to help your child eat better
ABCs of eating for smart kids
3 simple steps to tell if your child has Obstruct…
Your by-age guide to car seat safety [Video]
Unsafe Magnetic Toys for Children
Children eye problems you may not know about
Free and sheltered mall playgrounds in Singapore …
8 family-friendly activities this December holida…
Best e-learning resources for kids
5 physical effects of smartphone addiction on kids
What you need to know about scoliosis in children
Is my child’s school bag too heavy?
Flat feet in children: What you need to know
What are the signs of ADHD in children?
BUYER’S GUIDE: Best school bags for children
Mother-tongue dyslexia: What you need to know
Study-smart guide to PSLE success — Maths
Study-smart guide to PSLE success — Science
Managing screen time for your little one
6 ways to shield your tween from porn
"Going to school helped my child with autism”
8 things to learn about autism from "Atypical"
5 reasons why you should get regular health scree…
How to pay less for infantcare and childcare
7 tips to work from home with kids without losing…
Mommy Makeover: Be the Yummy Mummy
All you need to know about the Baby Bonus in Sing…
All about Singapore’s Parenthood Tax Rebate
Why it's important for your child to have an insu…
11 great ways to save money on baby stuff
5 tactics to deal with your fighting kids
Celeb dad Max Loong: Meeting my son was the best …
Celeb Dad Bjorn Shen: Changing diapers is like un…
Celeb dad Daniel Ong: Single-dad dating is like b…
BUYERS’ GUIDE: Best shower creams for baby’s ecze…
BUYER’S GUIDE Best family-friendly cars of 2020
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Pregnancy: A New Beginning 2025
Pregnancy: Pregnancy Made Easy 2024
Pregnancy: My Pregnancy My Way 2024
Pregnancy: Bump, Birth & Beyond 2024
Maternity Essentials
Baby Essentials
Toddler Essentials
Parentcraft Services
Product Reviews
Snoring points to a sleep disorder in your child, which is serious. But thankfully, looking out for it is simple.
Save your child’s life ― here is how to use your child’s car seat correctly.
Dr Nidhu Jasm, Paediatric Surgeon, warns parents of magnetic toys that can cause irreversible damage to organs
Because Good Poop Matters, Baby!
Insights from Dr Zena Lim from Thomson Surgical Centre
Friso Singapore shares their findings
SmartParents chats to Elizabeth Mui on using her expertise to better the lives of children struggling with autism.
Wonder if sanitisers are safe for young children and babies with the current increase in usage during COVID-19?
Learn possible reasons for your mini-me’s poor eating habits, plus, what you can do about it.
Challenges to brace yourself for when your mini-me turns 3, plus, helpful hints on how to deal with them!
It’s a harmless yet painful condition that can develop at any age…
Learn if your child’s unending hacking is because of asthma or if their persistent condition is down to other reasons.
Find out what your son’s urinary tract infections are telling you about his health…
Rafizah Begum uses her expertise to better the lives of children struggling with autism and other behavioural issues.
A look at autism, a condition with symptoms ranging from being socially awkward to displaying disruptive and physically aggressive behaviour.
Put junior on the path to success when you raise him with the right mindset — here’s how…
If you reckon that a time-out works best to correct junior’s bad behaviour, follow these useful tips.
Follow these expert steps to rebuild your relationship with junior, plus signs that you have anger management issues…
A child who apologises but does not mean it. Does it matter?
We bet these situations will sound familiar to you if you’ve got a tot at home!
Encourage good behaviour from your toddler and set limits for them with these discipline guidelines.
Wise up to the benefits of playing vigorously. Plus, get expert advice on how your kids can horse around safely…
Ways to ease the overnight toilet-training process for your child and you, so that their bed stays dry at night.
Junior’s behaviour will make you think twice about dining out with her. Here’s how it can all go down(hill)…
Reap countless benefits by including your peewee in your meal-making process. Psst, they’ll enjoy what they eat more!
Growing up with cousins means you not only have a stand-in sibling, but a ready-made friend forever.
Learn if your child is simply reserved or you have something to worry about when junior is reluctant to talk.
Owning a pet can be very rewarding, but pick wisely because they’ll be a part of your family for life...
Follow these top tips to keep your sanity intact while managing your mini-me amid all that Christmas mayhem.
‘Tis the season for Christmas fun and games, so let those little hands get busy with these fun crafts!
Does your child expect something in return for every little good deed that they carry out?
Rise and shine…but not before the sun’s up, please! Learn ways to prevent your peewee’s penchant for rousing prematurely.
If you hate saying “no” to junior, learn other ways to tell your mini-me what they can’t do or have.
Need your tot to keep quiet for long periods? These DIY busy bags might just come in handy!
If junior is becoming more independent and outspoken, it might be time to say ta-ta to the toddler years!
Power up your munchkin’s immunity ― include these foods as part of a balanced diet to protect them from allergies!
Our alphabetical listing of brain-boosting superfoods that your kids — and you! — will need.
Follow these expert tips to stay calm in the face of your tot’s bad behaviour.
Is junior ruling the roost? Here’s how to turn the tide around…
Now that junior’s on the move, it’s time to toddler-proof your home. Answer these questions to help keep those little fingers intact.
Show your tot to how to play on his own…it’s not as hard as you think!
When her little boy kept waking all grumpy after a night’s sleep, Chloe Ong knew something was wrong.
Use these sanity-saving tips to speed up your slowcoach and you can say goodbye to using threats!
Wise up to your wee one’s wacky eating habits with this survival guide.
Follow these easy strategies to stand your ground if your little one can’t take no for an answer!
Your tot’s irritating behaviour may push your buttons, but guess what, they are great for her development!
Junior will have a splashing good time at any of these water play spots on our sunny island!
Stimulate every of your tot’s senses with fun back-to-nature experiences you can savour in Singapore!