These little known nuggets about your lady parts are bound to surprise you!
Ever given your vajayjay much thought? After all, this is the organ that makes all those bedroom romps so much fun. It’s also the same amazing body part that stretches beyond belief when you deliver your baby.
Oh, it even has self-cleaning abilities (more on that later) and more nerves than the penis! Indeed the vagina’s abilities are pretty mind-boggling, so, sit back and enjoy these impressive facts about your hoo ha!
1. What a nerve-ous system
The clitoris, located right above the vaginal opening, has over 8,000 nerve endings ― more than anywhere else in your body. The penis has just, um, just 4,000. In addition, four different nerves ― pelvic, hypogastric, sensory vagus and pudendal nerves ― help create that incredible sensation you feel while having sex.
2. What a big…!
When you’re sexually stimulated, your vagina expands. In the process known as vaginal tenting (the ringed muscular ridges along the vagina that make the expansion possible), the cervix contracts and the vaginal tube expands, making it possible to receive your partner’s penis. Vaginas can expand up to 200 per cent during intercourse or childbirth.
In the process known as vaginal tenting, the cervix contracts and the vaginal tube expands, making it possible to receive your partner’s penis.
3. Work it out
We’re sure you’ve heard of Kegels ― those vaginal squeezes that strengthen your pelvic-floor muscles. Doing these exercises help keep problems like incontinence and haemorrhoids at bay. But did you also know that doing Kegels can also help you achieve more orgasms? And don’t underestimate your vaginal muscles ― in 2009, a Russian mum named Tatyana Kozhevnikova set the world record for vaginal weightlifting by using a custom barbell made of two glass balls attached to a safety string. Her vagina’s muscles lifted an incredible 14kg.
4. It is strong
A man’s penis can get stuck in a vagina ― we’re not kidding! In a rare condition known as penis captivus, the vaginal muscles contract during orgasm and clamp down with intensity on the penis, making it impossible for the penis to withdraw. Thankfully, it usually only lasts a few seconds.
5. It’s low maintenance
You may have heard that vaginas are self-cleaning, but did you know that the secret lies in all that odourless discharge you get? Anything you don’t need, the discharge sloughs it off. So, make sure you keep your vagina’s pH levels constant ― any harsh products or chemicals (remember, don’t douche!) messes with your discharge’s pH levels, which makes you more susceptible to infections and irritations.
6.Women can get boners, too!
Women don’t visibly get an erection, since they don’t have a penis. However, when you’re aroused, your clitoris gets erect as it’s engorged with blood ― some say to the size of an erect penis.
7. Boy parts aren’t the only ones that ejaculate
Female ejaculation is a source of much debate, but in the mid-1990s, a study was done where urine from seven female ejaculators was collected, and then compared to the fluid released during ejaculation. It was found that most of the ejaculated fluid came from the walls of the bladder and kidneys and determined that the liquid was some altered type of urine. Others believe that the fluid is expelled by the urethal sponge, or a “female prostate”. This collection of glands, blood vessels, nerves and spongy tissue seems to produce the fluid when stimulated.
If you’re always getting yeast infections, take note! It could be a sign that you have diabetes.
8. Smoking affects you down there
Smoking raises your risk of cervical cancer. Studies have found concentrated levels of cigarette carcinogens in a woman’s cervical mucus.
9. It may indicate that you have diabetes
If you’re always getting yeast infections, take note! It could be a sign that you have diabetes. Diabetes can cause your blood sugar levels to spike and since yeast feeds off sugar, high sugar levels in your blood create the perfect feeding ground for yeast, especially in the vaginal tissue.
10. It can help you sleep
Have trouble sleeping? Some fun in the sack, or using the, ahem, trusty vibrator might do the trick. Sexual release boosts the production of oxytocin and oestrogen, and decreases the stress hormone, cortisol. So, not only are you more relaxed so you fall asleep more easily, but your REM cycle for deeper sleep is enhanced, according to a study published in the Journal of Women’s health.
Photos: iStock
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