Learn what the early warning signs are if your baby’s growth is not on track.
Like most new mums, you’re most likely to be anxious to find out whether your baby’s development is on the right track.
Is he rolling over when he’s supposed to? Is he starting to feed himself? Is he babbling the way a normal baby should?
All babies develop at different rates, but you can benchmark your baby’s progress to developmental markers and milestones. And in some cases, a baby may be diagnosed with a developmental delay, the condition where a child does not reach one of these milestones at the expected age.
A delay in meeting milestones can occur in five main categories ― language and communication; gross motor skills; fine motor skills; social skills; and cognition.
Many developmental delays are not serious and the child does catch up as he gets older.
Sometimes, a delay may occur in more than one, or even all, of these areas. In such cases, it is called a “Global Developmental Delay”. It could happen for several reasons, for instance, in a genetic condition like Down syndrome, or because of medical problems because of a premature birth.
Do note that there is a wide range of what is deemed normal development in children. In fact, many developmental delays are not serious and the child does catch up as he gets older.
But if you have questions or any concerns regarding one or more areas of bubba’s development, do seek expert or medical advice, so that you’ll be reassured.
Remember, early intervention is key to helping your child overcoming his difficulties.
Infographic: Paulyn Ng
Main photo: iStock
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