These are going to be basic skills that your child is going to need every day. Help them rehearse for school so they can do them independently.

Once the registration is over, you’ll need to focus on something even more important ― preparing your child for school.
First, starting Primary school will overhaul junior’s routine entirely. They’ll have to wake up earlier in the morning (you as well!), and that means they have to turn in earlier. Get them used to the new routine about a month before the start of school, so it won’t be a shock to their system.
Also, if they are taking the school bus, make sure they know the pick-up location, bus number and whom to look for.

• Timetable They’ll need to grasp the concept of following a schedule. Knowing the concept of time is important; if you haven’t already done so, teach them how to tell the time, so that they can learn to manage their own timetable. Also consider creating an after-school timetable for them, so you can allocate time for homework, play or rest.

Get them used to the new routine about a month before the start of school, so it won’t be a shock to their system.

• School bag They’ll need to learn how to pack their school bag daily. Set a time, say 8.30pm every evening, where you will go through their belongings with them to ensure everything is in order for school the next day. You should label items, like their water bottle, pencil case, and all their books.

• Recess This is the next big change in your Primary school-going child’s life as they’ll now have to buy their own food. When you’re out with them, let them practise buying items at food stalls. Stress that they’ll need to get the right change and keep their money securely.

When you’re out with them, let them practise buying items at food stalls.

• Going to the toilet Ensure that they are able to go to the toilet independently before school starts. This includes putting up their hand to ask for permission to be excused ― role-playing helps! Make sure they know where the toilets are located in the school ― it’s a good idea to do a school tour with them beforehand. Also, point out where the canteen, classrooms, general office, bus pick-up points and public phones are.

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