The ONLY interactive workshop for parents and child!
Register NOW and enjoy early bird special. Limited seats!
Date: 28 August 2016
Time: 2.00pm to 5.30pm
Venue: Suntec Convention Centre, Level 3, Room 331
Price: $40 per person // $55 per couple
Do remember to enter the promotional code for discounts or email us at for one.
Join our experts to learn about the latest neuroscientific development in education and how neuroscience can impact parenting and classroom learning. Also, don't miss the chance to let your child experience brain training activities that boost attention and thinking skills for math learning!
Topic 1: The Brain & Attention: Improve your school-going child’s ability to focus and make good decisions by Dr. Steve Miller
Understand what “Executive Control” is ― the part of the brain responsible for paying attention, planning, prioritising and staying focused to complete goals, plus, find out how it affects motivation and independent learning. View a demonstration and get practical strategies to help your kid strengthen his executive control, motivation and independent learning abilities.
Topic 2: The Brain & Math: How to build a strong brain for maths by Ms. Cheryl Chia
Understand how the brain develops its ability to learn maths and what you can do during the early years to build a solid foundation for maths learning in your kid. Recent scientific findings on how a child learns maths will also be discussed, as well as the implications on which strategies to use in the teaching of maths.
This seminar is recommended for parents with children above 5 years old. Join us to learn some useful strategies that can help to boost your children's brain!