Like parties? Well, here’s how to ensure that your child and you are invited to all the most-fun parties!



Show up if you have RSVP’d that you’ll be attending. Parents these days take pains to plan a party and it’s upsetting if you don’t respect your host’s effort.

Let the host know of any changes after your RSVP — whether it’s to cancel, or if you intend to bring more than the stated number of people to the bash.

Respect the host’s wishes if the invite states “no gifts”. Instead, ask him or her what you can bring or how you can pitch in.

Be prepared if your sweetie gets the grumps, by bringing along her favourite snack or toy. If she still doesn’t settle down, take her away from the party for some downtime as she’s probably over-stimulated by all the activities going on around her.

Join in the games and encourage your peewee to do so as well. It’s terrible if the host has to go around begging kids to take part in the fun. If your little one is shy, play games with her and prep her several days before the party.

Bring food for your tot if she has allergies. There’s nothing sadder than seeing a kid drooling over food she cannot eat.


Feed any kid or offer her food without first getting permission from her parents.

Load up your plate if you’re at a buffet-style party, unless you know you can finish all the food. Set a good example for your little one and only take what you can finish — this way, she’ll mimic your behaviour and not waste any food.

Tar pau food if you can’t finish it or if there seems to be plenty of leftovers, UNLESS you’re invited by the host to do so. That’s plain crass!

Complain about the menu. If she’s a fussy eater or only eats certain foods or is allergic, then bring some food for her or feed her ahead of time to avoid hassling the host.

Send your helper to accompany sweetie to the party. The whole point of a party is for families to get to know each other and for the little ones to acquire some social skills. When she sees you making the effort to mingle at the party, she’ll also follow your example.

Photo: iStock

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