Take our fun quiz to get a load of what your daily decisions say about how you parent.


Parenting is a never-ending quest to find that elusive method that’ll work for you and junior. Take this test to identify what type of parent you are and you’ll be one step closer to becoming a more effective mother or father!

1. How would your child’s friends describe you as a parent?


B. I don’t know my child’s friends…

C. Always there.

D. Strict and scary.

2. What type of holiday classes are you most likely to pick for your little one?

A. Whatever class she wants! If she wants to stay at home and watch TV, that’s fine, too.

B. Um, I just provide the funds.

C. I’ll discuss it with the little one, and hopefully, we’ll find something educational that she will enjoy too!

D. Only classes that will help her do well in school.

3. How would you expect yourself to feel when your kids move out?

A. Sad but I can go over whenever they need me.

B. It won’t really make much of a difference.

C. Bittersweet, but they can visit their old ma whenever they please!

D. As long as they are making enough money to support us.

4. How would you expect yourself to feel when your child only seems to care about what’s on that rectangular mobile phone screen?

A. Upset, but whatever makes her happy...

B. Uh, so?

C. I hope she knows what she’s doing and is practising good Internet habits.

D. No way is that happening in my house, I’m keeping that phone!

5. Junior wants to use your makeup but she’s only 12. What do you do?

A. Buy her a beginner set

B. That’s fine, right? At what age do kids start wearing makeup these days anyway?

C. Let her after explaining the pros and cons of using makeup.

D. No way, she’s too young!

6. Your tween wants to watch an R-rated movie, you…

A. Allow her to watch it.

B. Are completely fine with it, it doesn’t matter.

C. Reason with her that such movies are given ratings for a reason, and they are to protect her.

D. Say no, and that’s final!

More questions ahead!


7. What is something you’ll never let your child leave home wearing?

A. I wouldn’t object, as long as she likes it.

B. Her clothing choices aren’t really important to me.

C. Probably something too revealing and I’ll explain to her why it won’t pass muster.

D. Nothing inappropriate, no revealing clothes, no rude slogans.

8. What is an ideal “family day out” in your books?

A. Whatever junior is feeling up to today.

B. I think I’ll have to find a slot in my calendar for the outing.

C. Something the whole family will enjoy, such as cycling or a picnic.

D. Visit the library, so the kids don’t miss too much of their study time.

9. Which phrase would you pick as your parenting mantra?

A. “As long as the kids are happy.”

B. “Whatever works.”

C. “The job of a parent is done when their presence is no longer necessary.”

D. “Because I’m the parent and I say so!”

10. Your child gets into a fight with other kids in school, how would you resolve this?

A. See you at school at 5pm.

B. Kids have to learn things on their own, she’ll be fine.

C. I’ll work out with my kid how to handle it, but ultimately, she’ll have to take care of things on her own.

D. Tell her not to “give any chances”, no one likes a loser!

You’re done! Let’s see how you’ve fared.

If you answered mostly A, you’re an indulgent parent. You love your little one to bits and will do whatever it takes — even get the latest iPad — to make her smile. You are quick to praise her and lend an ear, but are afraid of confronting her about her messy room. Children raised by permissive or lenient parents tend to be self-involved and demanding, lack self-discipline, and have poor social skills. They may also feel insecure as they lack boundaries and supervision.

If you answered mostly B, you’re a hands-off parent. Also known as the uninvolved method of parenting, this type is the most laidback. While you still satisfy your child’s basic needs like food and shelter, you probably rarely communicate with your child. Such parents may be downright neglectful or even reject their children. The children of emotionally distant parents feel fear, anxiety, or stress from the lack of family support. They generally perform poorly in nearly every area of life and are more likely to misbehave as they did not learn appropriate behaviours and limits in social situations.

If you answered mostly C, you’re an authoritative parent. You’re warm, nurturing and affectionate. You listen to your kids and believe in open communication, even as you set limits and discipline fairly. You believe and trust in your child’s ability to self-regulate, which is why you are cool with her handling a dispute on her own. Child-development experts agree that this is the “best” parenting style. As you’re a good role model, there’s a high chance your kiddo will grow up happy, and have high decision-making abilities and self-esteem. You’re on the right track, mama!

If you answered mostly D, you’re an authoritarian/“helicopter” parent. As your top focus is your child’s academic success, you tend to be inflexible, have high expectations and lay down strict rules you expect your child to follow. You punish rather than discipline and your controlling style — did someone say Tiger Mum? — and lack of warmth may deter your child from expressing herself. This could give rise to a child with low self-esteem and has poor decision-making abilities. Consider listening to your child more.

Photos: iStock

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