Karen Tay has given breastmilk pendants to her daughters to celebrate their breastfeeding journey.

MUM SAYS I made breastmilk pendants

I breastfed my firstborn, Rebecca, till she was 27 months old. My initial goal was 2 years, so I was really glad to have surpassed that. Breastfeeding her was relatively easy and enjoyable, so I was looking forward to doing it again when her sister, Samantha, was born.

However, my second nursing experience didn’t go as smoothly ― we suspected that Sam, now 1, was allergic to some of the food she was getting through my breastmilk. In order to continue breastfeeding her, I had to cut out a lot of food items from my diet. It hasn’t been easy, but we’ve reached the first anniversary of our breastfeeding journey and I hope to achieve the 2-year mark with her, as well.

“I love breastfeeding my girls… I feel that I’m their whole world.”

I love breastfeeding my girls. I provide them with the nutrients, comfort and security whenever they need it, and I feel that I’m their whole world because no one else can provide for them this way.

I decided to order breastmilk pendants for each of them as a way to remember our nursing experience ― and to remind them that their mummy always loves them and wants the best for them.

When I presented the pendant to Rebecca, she was so thrilled and wanted to wear it immediately. She tells everyone that it’s made from mummy’s breastmilk, and says that it spreads love! It was so heartwarming to hear that from her.

Karen Tay, a stay-at-home-mum, is mum to Samantha, 1, and Rebecca, 5.

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