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Breastfeeding 101: All your questions ― answered!
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Maternity Essentials
Baby Essentials
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Parentcraft Services
Product Reviews
Find quick answers to your most pressing breastfeeding questions!
Experts weigh in on the most common breastfeeding fears mums face and give tips on how to ease them.
It can affect your child’s feeding and speech
Don’t panic — wise up to reassuring signs that let you know breastfeeding is well established for bubba…
Sign up for this must-attend Webinar to pick up pregnancy tips and more!
Learn new tips for a happy and fulfilling pregnancy journey!
There are four standard “holds” — which one suits you and baby best?
From feeding and diapering, to bathing and sleeping ― we cover all this and more!
So yeah, mothers sometimes stretch the truth a little to make ourselves ― or others ― feel better…
Find out how over-the-counter (OTC) medication affects your breastmilk and learn if it’s necessary to pump and dump!
A mother confesses that she was once obsessed with sticking strictly to her baby’s sleeping and feeding schedule…
Oh, the guilt and shame of being a less-than-perfect mum… Maybe it’s time to show a little sympathy and understanding?
From size to cysts, here’s everything you’ll want to know about keeping your breasts in tip-top condition!
There are many misconceptions about C-sections. We set them straight with expert inputs and real opinions from mums.
Engorgement and sore nipples aside, learn what nursing mothers have to endure when they breastfeed their babies!
If your baby is nursing continuously, especially in the evenings, you’d want to know how to handle cluster feeding.
A newborn feeds differently from a 6-month-old, so here’s how you can breastfeed effectively at every stage.
Since your newborn will wake up for night feeds, follow these survival strategies to ease these nursing sessions.
Supportive spouse Winston Tay asserts that a woman’s decision to nurse her baby — or not — is hers alone...
Lactation foods contain several galactagogues (ingredients that help increase breastmilk supply) for breastfeeding mums. Check out this easy-to-follow lactation muffin recipe — your best mealtime secret.
Green, brown, black… The colour and texture of your kewpie’s stools tells you a lot about her health!
Yes, you can make your wife’s breastfeeding journey easier ― try these suggestions!
Learn helpful ways to ensure that your breasts will be in great shape if you are breastfeeding!
These eager to #NormaliseBreastfeeding celeb mums are passionate about their right to nurse their children their way.
A lactation specialist offers tips to ease your breastfeeding experience and details helpful strategies to tackle common nursing problems.
Need to find ways to keep baby alert, so that she can nurse properly? We show you how.
Confinement nannies care for baby and cook nutritious meals for you, post-delivery, but not all new mums are that lucky!
Staying dry inside your bra means feeling comfortable when you’re nursing. So, get the right breast pad to prevent leaks!
Bottle refusal can happen among babies who’ve only been latching directly onthe breast before. Here’s why.
From breastfeeding in public to not using a baby carrier correctly, these famous people have faced the wrath of parent shamers!
Reflecting on her breastfeeding journey with her three kids, one mum lists what she misses most about nursing them.
Important things to take note of if you are offering your baby a bottle.
Blogger Justine Ong details how she went from shy and sheltered innocent to breastfeeding commando in her nursing journey…
Follow these latching-on tips to make the most of your nursing experience.
Need extra physical and emotional support during labour? Get your doula to answer these queries before you hire her.
Getting help from a breastfeeding expert can make your nursing journey a much smoother one. Here are her tips.
Mother of three Joanna Goy details her breastfeeding struggles and how she overcame her nursing challenges.
Frustrated you’ve run into roadblocks in your breastfeeding journey? These lactation experts can help you resolve your nursing woes!
Giving birth is such a monumental task, making sure you have these things with you should help smooth D-Day.
The former MediaCorp actress comes clean on how she lost her baby weight after getting flak from her pals.
Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital experts address pressing questions on whether some formula milk brands offer more benefits than others.
Is it hygienic to pre-chew your baby’s food? What about food pouches? Learn which feeding trends are healthy…or not.
As you come to grips with life with a brand-new baby, take heart with these experienced mothers’ I-survived-a-newborn hacks.
We have tips for you if you’re struggling to pump more milk to keep up with bubba’s demand.
Guess what? You might actually possess nursing-friendly outfits. Here are ways to get more mileage out of your wardrobe favourites!
You can eat most everything when you’re nursing, but steer clear of certain foods as these may affect your baby…
Sure, breastfeeding is good for both baby and you, but you’ll be amazed by these lesser-known facts!