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Thalassemia: Facts About This Blood Disorder
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CONVERSATIONS WITH… A Speech and Language Therapi…
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Maternity Essentials
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Parentcraft Services
Product Reviews
Observe these simple rules and your tyke will enjoy his outdoor play sessions as much as possible.
Give junior every opportunity to embrace the wide open spaces on his two wheeler and enjoy the fresh air!
Feelings of annoyance, while tough for young kids to handle, benefits junior’s growth in several ways.
Being zen benefits junior and you ― find out how to stay calm when your tot gets on your nerves.
Your child will likely catch more bugs in his first year at preschool than ever again… Look out for these common ailments.
Is your child singling you out for his tantrums? Discover the real reason, plus get ways to deal with him…
Get junior used to pitching in around the house ― we have ideas to make cleaning chores more appealing.
Wise up to the foods that’ll keep junior’s body and grey matter going strong.
A quick list of things to note when setting out toys or buying them.
Your youngster’s imagination is amazing — but how do you react without stifling their creativity? We show you what’s really going on in their head.
Your baby’s starting solids ― get expert tips on offering new tastes and textures, plus how much to feed your munchkin.
Pick up useful methods to teach junior right from wrong that do not involve physical punishment.
Including your older child in your baby’s life won’t just keep them occupied, it’ll also strengthen their bond!
For your tot’s sake, steer clear of fast and processed foods and start paying closer attention to his diet.
We show you how to use melodies and songs to boost your child’s ability to master speech and language.
The experts dish the pros and cons of delaying preschool and if you’re making right choice for your mini-me!
Learn details of your child’s milestones, plus, don’t be alarmed when they seem to be lagging behind their peers…
While junior needs proteins to develop healthily, make sure to give them quality amounts to ensure steady growth.
Before the new school year starts, get expert advice on prepping your tot for preschool!
Explain these body-safety rules to your child and help them grow into poised adults who’ll interact confidently with others.
Probiotics are “good” bacteria that keep junior’s gut healthy. Learn how they help, plus, which foods are good sources.
Being left-handed doesn’t mean junior is at a disadvantage. Learn ways to help him cope with his unique quality.
If your preschooler is known for bashing and biting and bonking others on the head, is he an assertive little genius or a bully in the making?
If your emotional child cries over everything, you have ways to help them to cope with their intense feelings.
Follow these tips to make the most of giving your mini-me a short period to reflect on their bad behaviour.
Wise up to what will happen during your child’s operation, so that junior will feel calmer about the procedure.
Your mini-me can be such a handful sometimes. So, put some order back into your life with these angst-saving tips!
Try these engaging home exercises with junior if you’re worried about their ability to speak properly!
Showing your child how to respond without acting impulsively is an important life skill you can impart to them.
Help your cherub make a fuss-free transition to sleeping in their own rooms with these simple rules.
If junior is having a hard time managing his ups and downs, here are ways you can help him.
The next time junior acts up, avoid making these discipline no-nos while you guide him to behaving better.
Is your child acting like a monster? You may unwittingly be enabling junior’s bad behaviour. Find out how.
A look at how seemingly harmless comments can hurt your child’s self-esteem and confidence…
When your offspring’s personality and interests are the opposite of yours, parenting them may require a different approach.
Skin injuries come with toddler territory ― here is how to handle junior’s cuts and scrapes with minimal tears.
Correcting your little one’s mistakes needn’t be harsh and painful when you do so with a firm and loving hand.
Kids fall all the time ― know when a head injury is serious enough to rush him to the doc.
Waiting is hard for anyone ― get tips for raising a child who knows the value of this positive trait.
Veggies make a balanced meal, but what can you do to get your child to love them?
Try these simple tricks, so that your little one gets a kick out of carrying out this routine activity.
Let your child eat the “bad” stuff and you might be opening the door to unhealthy eating for junior.
If your preschooler is still bawling when you drop her off in school, here are ways to ease her anxiety.
Empower your daughter to become a real-life super girl who can achieve anything she wants.
Many of your child’s actions are a normal part of their development. Find out why they act this way.
Be prepared for mess — and fun — when you teach your toddlers to do arts and crafts, says Kuiluan Seah.
Cindy Cheong and son, Leonidas Ng, 4, show us how to turn boxes into fun, free playthings!
Eco-blogger mum Militza Maury and her sweetie Maria show that creating your own art supplies is a piece of cake!