Taking that first home pregnancy test is exciting ― it’s the first sign you’re growing a baby! Try these…

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Tender breasts? Check. Nausea and feeling bloated? Check. Extreme tiredness? Check.


Then, you miss your period, and the only thing left is for you to confirm that a baby is on the way with…a pregnancy test!


Make a quick trip to the pharmacy or supermarket and you will find a wide range of over-the-counter home test kits. These tests will tell you if your urine or blood contains the pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).


Your body produces hCG when a fertilised egg attaches to your uterus. If you get a positive ― even a faint I’m-not-so sure-what-that-is ― line, it’s highly likely you’re pregnant!

Watsons One Step Pregnancy Test

PRICE $7.70
FROM Watsons
WHAT After removing the protective foil, remove the cap from the test stick. Point the absorbent tip downwards in your urine stream for 5 seconds ― make sure to wet it thoroughly. Alternatively, pee into a clean, dry cup and dip half the absorbent tip into the urine for 5 seconds. Replace the cap and wait for the outcome in the results window. Two lines show that you’re pregnant, while one line means you’re not.
PARENTS SAY This is a fuss-free value-for-money kit that does the job. Mum of two Chang Eng Lay used this for her second pregnancy. “I spent so much more on an expensive kit for my first pregnancy, but this worked pretty much the same for my second pregnancy. Save some money and just use this!” she says. Go to the website for deals, as there is often a buy-one-get-one-free promotion.

Wondfo Pregnancy Test Strips

PRICE $33.12/25 strips
FROM Qoo10
WHAT Urinate into a clean and dry plastic cup, then immerse the test strip into the urine for 3 seconds. Lay the strip flat and read the results in 5 minutes.
PARENTS SAY Each strip costs less than a dollar, so this is perfect for couples who are on a mission to conceive, or if you foresee yourselves doing several pregnancy tests over the course of a few months. Says Tricia Tay, mum to Mischa, 6 months, “I prefer these strips over the sticks, as I tested my urine a few times just to make sure. The positive line appeared darker each time I tested, since the hCG levels were rising.”

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Conception Indicator

PRICE $19.94
FROM Redmart
WHAT One of the fancier kits in the market ― besides confirming that you are pregnant, it also estimates the number of weeks since you ovulated! The conception indicator may indicate anything from 1 to 2 weeks, 2 to 3 weeks, to 3+ weeks.
PARENTS SAY While definitely pricier, this test kit is worth the money if parents yearn to know how far along in their pregnancy they are. Nurainie Hebat, who is now 26 weeks pregnant, says, “It’s quite expensive, but I wanted to know for certain that I was pregnant and how far along I was. This was the next best thing to going to the gynaecologist as I could only get an appointment a week later.”

Predictor Early Pregnancy Test Kit

PRICE $17.90
FROM Redmart
WHAT If you really can’t wait to find out if you’re preggers, this pregnancy stick detects whether you’ve got a bun in the oven up to six days before your missed period! Pee on the absorbent end of the stick for 5 seconds, then wait 3 minutes for the results. If you recap it after use, you can keep this positive pregnancy test result as a baby memento for posterity!
PARENTS SAY This highly sensitive test is great for the impatient mum-to-be, although one mum noted that she received a positive result with another, cheaper brand at about the same time.

Guardian Pregnancy Test Strips

PRICE $7.50/two strips
FROM Guardian
WHAT This pack contains two strips and is 99 per cent accurate if you test yourself any time from the day your period is due. Place the absorbent tip in the urine stream or in urine collected in the folded cup (included in the pack) and you’ll get a result in 5 minutes.
PARENTS SAY Another test strip option, which means that it is generally cheaper and good for women who prefer getting tested several times. Each strip features a plastic holder for a better grip and ease of use. However, some mums felt that the lines were extremely faint, and also noted that it’s more effective if your period is already late. 

Clear Blue Pregnancy Test

PRICE $13.15
FROM Guardian
WHAT Clearblue Pregnancy Tests, which are more than 99 per cent accurate, can be used any time from the day your period is due. Hold the absorbent tip in your urine stream for 3 to 7 seconds and read the results in 3 minutes. Two lines mean that you’re pregnant, one line means you aren’t.
PARENTS SAY “I bought this because it’s a well-known and reliable brand. It’s straightforward and easy to use,” says mum of two Tan Hoon Ying. It is also good value for money.